How much should a company allocate to marketing?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions I’ve received from company managers since I started my consulting practice in 2005.
However, based on my experience with international corporations in the FMCG sector, which have successfully built brands across diverse markets for decades, I can say that a marketing budget typically accounts for 5% to 10% of a company’s annual net revenue.
I would like to emphasize that this is strictly a marketing budget.
What does this mean?
The marketing budget is separate from the sales budget and includes investments in all activities directed at consumers or end users, such as:
Advertising campaigns (media),
Production of advertising and marketing materials,
Sponsorship contracts and events,
Market and consumer research,
Development of new products and packaging,
Consumer promotions, and
Fees for marketing and advertising agencies.
Interestingly, the largest portion of the marketing budget—often exceeding 50%—is usually allocated to advertising campaigns, which play a crucial role in building brand and product awareness.